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Replacement Policy:July 9, 2008

A. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to professional staff, parents and students regarding student promotion, retention and program design.

B. General Statement of Policy

The school board expects all students to achieve at an acceptable level of proficiency. Parental assistance, tutorial and remedial programs, counseling and other appropriate services shall be coordinated and utilized to the greatest extent possible to help students succeed in school.

1. Promotion
Students who achieve at levels deemed acceptable by local and state standards shall be promoted to the next grade level at the completion of each school year.

2. Retention
Retention of a student may be considered when professional staff and parents feel that it is in the best interest of the student. Physical development, maturity, and emotional factors shall be considered as well as scholastic achievement. The superintendent’s decision shall be final.

3. Program Design

a. The superintendent, with participation of the professional staff and parents, shall develop and implement programs to challenge students that are consistent with the needs of students at every level. A procedure for screening and identifying students for program assignment shall be developed in coordination with such programs. Opportunities for special programs and placement outside of the school district shall also be developed as additional options.

b. The school district will adopt procedures for the academic acceleration of gifted and talented students. These procedures will include how the school district will:

i. assess a student’s readiness and motivation for acceleration; and

ii. match the level, complexity, and pace of the curriculum to a student to achieve the best type of academic acceleration for that student.

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