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The board requires that all parents be informed at regular intervals on the progress of their children. The superintendent shall establish means through which this shall be accomplished.

The board also encourages the administration and staff to work toward improved methods for evaluating children's progress and to develop more meaningful ways to report achievement to parents.

Report cards will be issued four times a year. Nine weeks reports are due and cards will be sent to parents on the dates indicated on the school calendar. The following code is to be used:

A Excellent
B Above Average
C Average
D Below Average
F Failure
I Incomplete

Teachers at elementary levels are asked to send a "Memo to Parents" home with report cards. This is to be a newsletter written by the teacher reporting highlights of the past nine weeks' work and indicating plans for the coming nine weeks. A draft of the memo is to be submitted for the principal's approval ten days prior to the report card dates.

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