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New Policy: February 8, 2006

A. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to authorize the school board to offer rewards to persons who provide accurate and reliable information leading to the conviction of a person who has committed or conspired to commit a crime against students or school employees, volunteers, or school board members as a result of their affiliation with the school district, or against school district property.

B. General Statement of Policy

The school board believes that, in certain circumstances, the offering of a reward may lead to the receipt of information that would solve or prevent a crime against students, school employees, volunteers, school board members, or school district property. The school board also believes that the fact that the school board may offer a reward may have a deterrent effect on the commission of such crimes.

C. Approval of Offering of Rewards

The school board shall approve the offering of any rewards by the school district. The approval shall specify the amount of the reward and the crime to which it is applicable. The approval may relate to a specific incident or to a continuing category of crime, i.e., assault of a teacher, damage to school property, etc.

D. Establishment of Procedures

The superintendent shall develop directives and procedures to address the timing and method of payment of any reward earned by an information provider. The information provided must have led to the conviction of the person who committed or conspired to commit the crime for which the reward was offered.

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