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Revised: March 10, 2004

A. Local Government

The board is an independent body and has no statutory relationship to other governmental bodies. It will, however, cooperate with other governing agencies, both educational and civic, to achieve the goal of all governmental bodies, namely, the best interests of the youth of the district. While the board will maintain complete autonomy at all times, it will, in cases where it deems it to the best interest of the youth and taxpayers, work cooperatively with the agencies in the community.

B. First Responders

Independent School District #363 appreciates the efforts made by the First Responders of the community in readily assisting the school and community in times of emergencies. To show appreciation and to encourage First Responder attendance at school district extra curricular activities, it is the policy of ISD #363 to give free passes (two per event) to First Responders to attend athletic or extra curricular activities.

C. Planning Authorities

The superintendent shall establish procedures to effect compliance with the state law requiring planning commission review of all plans for real property acquisition, new building construction, and improvements to buildings.

D. Parents' Organizations

The Board of District #363 recognizes the valuable services performed by the National Congress of PTSA and its state and local divisions. The objectives of the PTSA are:

1. To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, church, and community.

2. To raise the standards of home life.

3. To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.

4. To bring into closer relation the home and the school that parents and teacher may cooperate intelligently in the training of the child.

5. To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for every child the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education.

6. The board further suggests that the district PTSA and groups with whom they cooperate maintain a close liaison with the school board, administration, and staff and maintain recognition of established school district policies.

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