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Revised: March 12, 2008

Revised: June 13, 2012

 The board of education will hire certified teachers as substitutes to replace teachers who are absent.  Substitutes shall register a valid certificate with the district office. 


It is the principal's responsibility to notify the district when new substitutes are accepted for employment, to obtain substitutes upon notification that a teacher will be absent, and to establish procedures which will effect a smooth transition in classroom instruction.


A.  Substitute Teacher Pay


            1.  Regular substitute pay will be established annually by the school board.


            2.  Long term substitute teacher (when a teacher substitutes 5 consecutive days or more in the same position) pay will be $7.00 greater then the established regular daily substitute pay.  The rate increase shall be increased by $7.00 beginning with the fifth day.


            3.  When a substitute is hired for less than a full day, the pay will be pro-rated using a 7-period day.


            4.  Substitute pay times should always be reported by the building principal in fractions using seven periods when the time is less than a full day.


A list of substitute and temporary employee payments are to be mailed monthly to each board member for their approval.  The board treasurer is allowed to approve only emergency, discount or timely payments to avoid penalty before a regular board meeting.


B.  Substitute List Policy


Hiring and use of substitutes within the district should be in compliance with hiring policy for District #363.  Substitute lists for teachers, custodians, aides, cooks, and drivers shall be established.


When a substitute is needed, the administrator/department head in charge of that area shall make contact with the persons on the substitute list offering the work for the period of time needed.  Whenever possible, the most qualified person shall be hired no matter what position the district is needing.  This qualification shall be as primary as if we need an English teacher we shall first try to find an English teacher as a substitute or if we need an aide and there is a licensed teacher on the aide list, that substitute would be called; or if we have used the person as a substitute and they have not related well to other staff or students, an attempt will be made to use another substitute before that person is called again.


C.  Substitute Bus Driver List


Substitute bus drivers must drive at least four times for ISD 363 during the previous fiscal year in order for the District to reimburse the driver for the cost of the required physical as authorized

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