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A. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to set forth the provisions that must be followed when administering non-emergency prescription medication to students at school.

B. General Statement of Policy

The school district acknowledges that some students may require prescribed drugs or medication during the school day. The school district’s licensed school nurse, trained health clerk/secretary, principal or teacher will administer prescribed medications in accordance with law and school district procedures.

C. Requirements

1. The administration of prescription medication or drugs at school requires a completed signed request from the student’s physician and parent as well as the appropriate prescription label.

2. An Medication Flow Sheet form must be completed annually (once per school year) and/or when a change in the prescription or requirements for administration occurs.

3. Prescription medication must come to school in the original container appropriately labeled for the student by the pharmacy in accordance with law.

4. The school nurse may request to receive further information about the prescription, if needed, prior to administration of the substance.

5. Prescription medications are not to be carried by the student, but will be left with the appropriate school district personnel, except as noted in a written agreement between the school district and the parent or as specified in an IEP (individual education plan) or IHP (individual health plan).

6. The school must be notified immediately by the parent or student 18 years old or older in writing of any change in the student's prescription medication administration. A new medical authorization shall be required immediately as well.

7. For drugs or medicine used by children with a disability, administration may be as provided in the IEP, Section 504 plan or IHP.

8. The school nurse, or other designated person, shall be responsible for the filing of the Medication Flow Sheet form in the health records section of the student file. The school nurse, or other designated person, shall be responsible for providing a copy of such form to the principal and to other personnel designated to administer the medication.

9. Procedures for administration of drugs and medicine at school and school activities shall be developed in consultation with a school nurse, a licensed school nurse, or a public or private health organization or other appropriate party (if appropriately contracted by the school district under Minn. Stat. § 121A.21). The school district administration shall submit these procedures and any additional guidelines and procedures necessary to implement this policy to the school board for approval. Upon approval by the school board, such guidelines and procedures shall be an addendum to this policy.

10. Not Covered by this Policy:

a. Special health treatments such as catheterization, tracheotomy suctioning, and gastrostomy feedings do not constitute administration of drugs and medicine.

b. Emergency health procedures, including emergency administration of drugs and medicine are not subject to this policy.

c. Drugs or medicine provided or administered by a public health agency to prevent or control an illness or a disease outbreak are not governed by this policy.

d. Drugs or medicines used at school in connection with services for which a minor may give effective consent are not governed by this policy.

e. Medications:

i. That are used off school grounds;

ii. That are used in connection with athletics or extracurricular activities; or

iii. That are used in connection with activities that occur before or after the regular school day are not governed by this policy.

11. “Parent” for students 18 years old or older is the student.

12. Nonprescription Medication: Only prescription medications are governed by this policy.

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